Wayne Faust's First Gig!
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I received this picture from an old
Chicago friend, Mark Leis. (Mark is the guy on the right.)
I'm the guy with the awesome drum set. I bought it at the drug store for $4.99.
It originally said "Junior Jazz Band" on the bass drum.
The picture is taken outside the scene of our first gig, which was for Carolyn
Erickson's birthday party in Norwood Park - Chicago. We got paid 25 cents - not
25 cents each - just 25 cents. Our group was called The Runaways and I imagine
that's what people did when they heard us. And yes, I was the drummer.
The other two guys are (left to right) Raulf LaMarche and Scott Herdt. I don't
know who the little kid is.
Thanks to Mark for sending this to me. It was a real blast from the far past.
Oh, and by the way, I am 11 years old in that picture - which means it has to be
at least 10 years ago...