Wayne Faust Pictures - Spring 2005
I had
quite a spring this year. It started with a great March of shows at Tiffany's in
Beaver Run, Breckenridge, and included a southern tour that took me all the way
back down to Key West, including Louisiana and the Tampa Bay area along the way.
Oh, and I almost forgot, my ice hockey team in Denver made it to the
Championship game. Check out the pic from that below and somebody tell the NHL
I'm available.
As always, thanks to all the folks down south who showed my
such excellent hospitality. That kind of kindness makes driving miles and miles
worth it.
Jerry Harris doing "Jerry Williams Said" with me at the Rob Roy
show, Fall 2004.
A group of crazy skiers from Scotland at Tiffany's in Beaver Run.
shady guys from the UK kidnapped Sven one night after the show and partied with
him after I had left for home. Fortunately, Sven was okay when I came in the
next day, although he seemed to have a headache...
What I do in my spare time. This is two-on-two hockey on my home ice rink
with friends from Louisiana, who usually only see ice in the freezer in their
The LMCC Ice Hockey Team. We lost the championship game in the last 30
seconds. Next season - REVENGE!
My name in lights in Tallulah, Lousiana. The lower sign says "Picklehead
- April 22nd."
After the show in New Orleans. These folks came all the way from Arkansas.
With Noel Cooney and wife at Flanagan's Pub in Dunedin, near Tampa Bay.
With friends Jerry and Judy at The Square Grouper in Jupiter, Florida.
It was GREAT to be back at Sloppy Joe's in Key West.
Studly Bald Guys attracting babes.
Sven's dream girl at Sloppy's. Check out the horns.
After the show, upstairs at Sloppy's. My old friend, Roger, from my LA days,
surprised me and showed up in Key West for my show. We closed the place.