England and Scotland 2008
This was my 7th trip to the UK. Someday, the Queen will
ask me over for tea!
(Click on pictures to see the full-size
At the airport in Toronto. We flew Air Canada and they were awesome.
This sign is on the wall at the Eagle and Child pub in Oxford, which was our
first stop after we landed at Heathrow.
My daughter, Crystal, reading a rather large book at a secluded, spooky
library we found in Oxford.
We took my wife to the Blackpool International Dance Festival, the top dance
competition in the world every year in Blackpool, England.
Sally watched over 22 hours of dancing over two days, and still wished she
could see more. Phew!
We managed to get out on the floor and dance during the break, even though I
was wearing non-regulation tennies. The Italian judges gave us a 2 1/2.
While my wife was watching dancing, my daughter and I saw magician Richard de
Vere at Pleasure Beach in Blackpool. I ended up on stage helping him do an
illusion. I wasn't trying to get on stage - honest!
These were twin brothers from Birmingham, who were at the magic show in
Blackpool. They look like the Hanson Brothers in the movie "Slap Shot."
They have provocative signs in England. (A fag is a cigarette.)
After only two days in England, they named a road after my daughter.
In Scotland on the grounds of Stirling Castle. If you look closely, you can
see the Wallace Monument in the background, commemorating the victory over the
English made famous in the movie "Braveheart."
A lone bagpiper on the path up to the Wallace Monument. I asked him if he
would come and play at my Rob Roy show in November,
but he said he was probably busy that day.
We put over 1200 miles on our rental car. This picture is in the Scottish
As expected in the UK, we hit a LOT of rain. And as always, it took me a
while to get used to approaching cars on the right side of the road.
Three of my Scottish girlfriends.
Yes, we ate haggis in Scotland. It's their national dish. Don't ask what's in
Back in England, taking pictures of the countryside above our friends Bob and
Marge's house.
Eating a "Chip Butty" in England, which is basically french friends and mayo
on bread.
Oh yeah, I did some shows. Here's a sign for my show in Whitsable, in Kent.
The marquis inside the Hotel Continental.
With owners James and Crissie Green and their family. Their oldest daughter
Gemima sang "Wild Thing" with me in Breckenridge, Colorado
when she was three years old.
James went scuba diving off the coast the day before we arrived and caught two 4
pound lobsters. I ate a whole one before my show on Saturday night. I was happy.
After the Saturday night show. These are four people from Liverpool and none
of them was with the Beatles.
Another interesting sign in England. This one hit a little too close to
On a bike ride along the ocean, I was getting ready to go skinny-dipping but
they put up this sign.
This was the view from the window of the Fisherman's Shed they put us up in
while we were in Whitstable. It was a very nice end to our trip.